Air Storage Tank
Used to store air or other gases, air storage tanks can be considered a pressure vessel and they come in various shapes and sizes suited for the task.
In most cases, air storage tanks are used to store air or gases, to be pushed out or extracted by a pump when needed. While they can be considered pressure vessels, Air storage tanks are different from compressed air tanks, in terms of its design & operational requirements, where it typically operates on lower pressures. As such, the material and the dimension of the storage tank may vary depending on the gas stored and its application.
Our air storage tanks are designed to withstand corrosion and can be customized to suit its task.
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Bisa di Custom
Pressure Tanks kami sedia dalam ukuran standard, dan siap untuk di custom!
Bisa dibuat dengan besi (mild steel) atau stainless steel!
Tinggal dipilih!
Aman & Tahan Lama
Pengelasan pressure tank kami menggunakan las robot untuk memastikan pengelasan yang rapi, tebal dan rapat.
Pressure vessel kami termasuk safety valve, untuk keamanan pemakaian.
Produk kami dibuat dengan kualitas material yang bermutu tinggi untuk menjamin jangka waktu pemakaian.
Plug n' Play
Pressure tank kami dilengkapi dengan konektor standar.
Jika diperlukan, semua koneksi pipa bisa disesuaikan!
Tinggal pasang, langsung pakai!
Sertifikat Siap
Keselamatan paling utama.
Tangki kami di sertifikasi oleh DISNAKER (Dinas Ketenagakerjaan)